Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Last Day of Kindergarten

It was just like yesterday. I was crying, when my son was off to his first day at kindergarten. Today is the last day of kindergarten. It's surreal that a chapter in my son's life is about to close. The Class of 2020 is growing up.

Yesterday, we were about 30 minutes late for school. Today, he was ready and we were 30 minutes early. He really wanted to go to school today, even though he will be dismissed in an hour and a half. Hearing him say that he wasn't ready for school to end brought back memories of my nerdy days. I really did enjoy reading, writing, and arithmetic.

I am so excited for him. He was so happy to show me his report card,yesterday. He wanted to let me know he had worked really hard. He wanted me to know that he had passed to the first grade.

I will try hard not to drill him too much this summer. It is sad when your child tell you he feels you are pushing him too hard when they are first learning to read books on their own. He broke down and cried after a homework session. I felt so bad. Have I turned into one of those parents you see on television that are micromanaging their child?

Since then, I haven't drilled him so hard. I let him figure it out on his own, and then I followed up. I just have to be really disciplined this summer not to overload on the education road. I want him to succeed, but at the rate I am trying to go, I may just burn him out.

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About Me

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Cassandra Hawkins-Wilson is Founder & President of Sensational Image Consulting, a professional image consulting firm based in the Metro Jackson Mississippi Area. She holds a Master of Arts Degree in English and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Psychology with a minor in Political Science from Jackson State University. As a instructor with Millsaps College Enrichment Program and an experienced public speaker and seminar leader, Cassandra is experienced in image training. Working with individuals from business executives to universities. With over 12 years experience in retail/fashion industry, education, and Mary Kay Cosmetics, she has designed and delivered workshops and seminars on appearance, communication skills, and business etiquette. Cassandra’s loves working with individual clients to assist one-on-one with professional development, visual, nonverbal, interpersonal communication, and presentation skills. In addition, she is a frequent contributor to various journals and published author.