Saturday, December 6, 2008

The Saga of MeMe

Never actually seeing a child in action with an imaginary friend, I couldn't believe one of my children has an imaginary friend. Today, Jasmine introduced me to "MeMe."

Here is the dialogue I watched and participated in today with Jasmine and "MeMe."

Jasmine: Mama, MeMe in the bathroom. She won't come out.
Mama: Tell MeMe to hurry up.
Jasmine: MeMe hurry up. You finish MeMe?

MeMe comes out the bathroom.

Jasmine: MeMe sit down.

MeMe sits down in a green children's chair.

Jasmine: Be quiet MeMe.

MeMe is quiet.

Jeremiah: Mama, who is Jasmine talking to?

Mama: Leave Jasmine alone.

Jasmine: You okay, MeMe? Mama, can I throw this away? MeMe throw up.

Mama: Yes, Jasmine. What happened to MeMe?

Jasmine: She throwed up MeMe. She in the bafroom. told her to spit it out. Won't spit out nowhere. (raising hands in an exasperated manner)

Now, I need to look at the research for children with imaginary friends.


Deanna said...

They grow up to be very intelligent, well adjusted adults. Don't worry! Both of my sisters had imaginary friends. Both of them are two of the smartest and most successful women I know. I think it just shows how creative your daughter is!

Kayra said...

My daughter had an imaginary friend, it was a boy. For the longest time, she talked about him. Then, as she got older, it just faded. I like to think that those imaginary friends are our kids' guardian angels. As they get older, they may not see them but they know they are there. That gives me comfort.

Suburban Housewife... Not so much said...

This is absolutely adorable!!! I had an imaginary friend and I turned out alright... well I think so anyway. :o)

Nicole Bradshaw said...

I don't remember having an imaginary friend, but it's probably because my house was so filled with siblings and relatives growing up that I needed some space!!

I wouldn't worry if I were you, though. I've known several moms whose kids have had imaginary friends, and they seem perfectly happy and well-adjusted.

Jules said...

"Imaginary friends" are a creative way of working out unresolved issueassist to clear the way for a new level of being. They are definitely non manifest being visible only to the select believers. There is much to learn by witnessing this process and it is an honor and a sign of trust that you have been included...congratulations, it means that you are doing something very right parent-wise.

Style Expert said...

Thanks you guys! She has only talked to her twice since then. I even brought her up once, and Jasmine ignored me!

About Me

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Cassandra Hawkins-Wilson is Founder & President of Sensational Image Consulting, a professional image consulting firm based in the Metro Jackson Mississippi Area. She holds a Master of Arts Degree in English and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Psychology with a minor in Political Science from Jackson State University. As a instructor with Millsaps College Enrichment Program and an experienced public speaker and seminar leader, Cassandra is experienced in image training. Working with individuals from business executives to universities. With over 12 years experience in retail/fashion industry, education, and Mary Kay Cosmetics, she has designed and delivered workshops and seminars on appearance, communication skills, and business etiquette. Cassandra’s loves working with individual clients to assist one-on-one with professional development, visual, nonverbal, interpersonal communication, and presentation skills. In addition, she is a frequent contributor to various journals and published author.