Wednesday, December 24, 2008

77 Things in 77 Days!

I will put my accomplishments in larger bold text, so I can share with you my success. 1. Finish writing my thesis.
2. Defend my thesis.
3. Clean up office.
4. Organize office.
5. Purchase a new laptop.
6. Plan a trip to Washington DC this summer.
7. Have two Mary Kay team members.
8. Get two new clients for my image consulting business.
9. Take the children to Jackson’s African American museum.
10. Complete first chapter of my book.
11. Redecorate bedroom.
12. Pay off two credit cards.
13. Have a weekend retreat for myself.
14. Determine what my next step will be in May, regarding teaching.
15. Meet once a month with friends for dinner or an outing (a min. of two times).
16. Manage emotions in a positive manner.
17. Have three fashion articles published.
18. Grow my hair out to shoulder length (NO MORE CUTTING)!
19. Potty train Jacob.
20. Teach Jasmine to read.
21. Work on phonics sound with Jeremiah.
22. Enroll Jeremiah in karate classes.
23. Sign Jasmine up for dance lessons.
24. Pay off five medical bills.
25. Save $400 dollars towards braces!
26. Sell $1000 in Mary Kay products.
27. Purchase Adobe Photoshop software.
28. Participate in two ministries at New Hope Church.
29. Purchase living room furniture.
30. Paint the main bathroom.
31. Paint the master bedroom.
32. Build two large bookcases.
33. Use my datebook as a proactive way to manage time.
34. Meditate daily before beginning my day.
35. Clean out refrigerator.
36. Clean out kitchen cabinets.
37. Clean out children’s toys for donation.
38. Build a clothing hamper for laundry room.
39. Hire a personal assistant.
40. Do Jasmine’s hair on a regular basis.
41. Keep in contact with a minimum of five friends a week. Call just to say hello.
42. Send a postcard once a month to customers.
43. Complete tax information.
44. Lose 10 pounds.
45. Walk 30 minutes every day.
46. Take vitamin supplements on a daily basis.
47. Teach Jasmine to tie her shoes.
48. Work on teaching children Spanish.
49. Refresh memory of French.
50. Take the children to Natchez.
51. Stay in a bed and breakfast.
52. Have a birthday party for myself.
53. Plan Jasmine’s birthday party.
54. Plan Jeremiah’s birthday party.
55. Meet once a month with professional women’s network.
56. Plan a fashion show.
57. Blog on family blog once a week.
58. Blog on fashion blog every other day.
59. Blog on MS 4Ws blog twice a week.
60. Plant flowers in front yard.
61. Create a floor plan to transform garage to family room.
62. Purchase a Nintendo DS for myself.
63. Purchase a rice cooker.
64. Create a recipe book.
65. Create a new fashion scrapbook.
66. Read four self- help books.
67. Read two classics.
68. Read one philosophy book.
69. Read three chapters from the bible daily.
70. Put flowers on Zaquan’s grave.
71. Put flowers on my grandmother’s grave.
72. Sew Jasmine three dresses.
73. Make Jasmine ten hair bows.
74. Finish three scrapbooks.
75. Have one dinner party at my house.
76. Join one social club.
77. Stock up deep freezer.

1 comment:

Nicole Bradshaw said...

Yay, Cass!! Good luck with your list, hon!

About Me

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Cassandra Hawkins-Wilson is Founder & President of Sensational Image Consulting, a professional image consulting firm based in the Metro Jackson Mississippi Area. She holds a Master of Arts Degree in English and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Psychology with a minor in Political Science from Jackson State University. As a instructor with Millsaps College Enrichment Program and an experienced public speaker and seminar leader, Cassandra is experienced in image training. Working with individuals from business executives to universities. With over 12 years experience in retail/fashion industry, education, and Mary Kay Cosmetics, she has designed and delivered workshops and seminars on appearance, communication skills, and business etiquette. Cassandra’s loves working with individual clients to assist one-on-one with professional development, visual, nonverbal, interpersonal communication, and presentation skills. In addition, she is a frequent contributor to various journals and published author.