Sunday, March 1, 2009

Long Overdue

Okay, it's been about 5 weeks since my last post. Boy, do I miss blogging. Anyway, I will try to update you on the happenings around the house. Well, Jasmine turned three on February 6. We celebrated at her daycare. I bought cupcakes from Sam's Club and Capri Suns all for $20. She had a ball. She didn't get all the gifts, but no cleaning up, no party favors, and all of her friends were there. That definitely made up for the shortcomings on gifts. Then on February 12, I turned the big 2-7! I celebrated with some friends at Elixir! We had a ball.

In other news, Jacob had pneumonia last week. Then, he had the stomach virus. Next, I had the stomach virus, and I spent Friday in the emergency room because I was so dehydrated. No complaints though. I was able to get some rest. LOL! Anyway, on the way from daycare Kwandis experienced what I had - throw up in the truck. Jasmine got it. So poor Jasmine and I cuddled and comforted each other in our darkest hour. We recovered together as well. How about that for Mother and Daughter Bonding.

Yesterday was a sluggish day. We stayed around the house. Watched some television and tried to rest. When Kwandis got off work, we turned the television off and read stories. I was so impressed with Jeremiah. I read Edgar Allan Poe's "The Tell-tale Heart" and "The Oval Portrait." Through all the "big words" and extensive descriptions, Jeremiah understood the plot. I am so proud of little man. The other two listened in until they were asleep. It was nice to see the children so happy.

Today was even more amazing, if you will. We woke up to snow. It wasn't much, but just enough to take pictures of. Thinking it was too cold to take my little man out, we didn't make it to church. However, about 12 noon, I started feeling really good. I mean REALLY good and feeling really impulsive. I had the urge to build bookcases. Can you believe it?

The urge was so strong that I switched vehicles with Kwandis and bundled up my crew. Off to Home Depot we went. Talking to my mom the entire time, I was able to pick out the right wood, have it cut, and pick the right nails. The children, Jasmine, Jacob, and Jeremiah, all helped me unload the wood off the truck. Poor children. They are learning too early how to be great helpers and do things for themselves.

After a few frustrating moments, I realized that the nails were too big and that they needed to be replaced. So, once again, I packed my crew up. This time we hit up Lowe's in Dogwood, which should have been off limits. At Lowe's, I really was in the "building mood." Instead of just getting the nails, like I was suppose to, I picked up more wood to make another bookcase. I also picked up a tube of liquid nails, just in case. As I loaded up everything in the truck, I could just hear ROSS retail store calling my name, beckoning me to come.

I succombed to the beckoning, but I did have a predetermine list in mind. I was only to get picture frames for Jasmine and Jacob's pictures from daycare. Amazingly, I did manage to get the picture frames, along with a sheet set for my bed, two King size pillows, standard pillowcases for the children, and a pillow for Jasmine. I resisted the urge to check out the scrapbooks. I will do that on my next trip.

After our shopping adventure, I returned and finished two out of the three bookcases, changed the sheets, feed the crew, read a Junie B. book, and put them all to bed. Now, I am starting to feel the pain in my back. Evidently, I am not as young as I once were. Who would have thought?
I am excited to be back in the groove of blogging, but now I have to catch up on my list of 77 things in 77 days. I have really been slipping.


Deanna said...

So glad you are back! You were missed. That sickness sounds ROUGH!

Can't wait to see pics of your bookcases!

Nicole Bradshaw said...

Props to you. If I wanted bookcases, I would just buy them already done. I don't think I'd have the fortitude to run out, buy supplies, and actually BUILD them!

I am impressed!

About Me

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Cassandra Hawkins-Wilson is Founder & President of Sensational Image Consulting, a professional image consulting firm based in the Metro Jackson Mississippi Area. She holds a Master of Arts Degree in English and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Psychology with a minor in Political Science from Jackson State University. As a instructor with Millsaps College Enrichment Program and an experienced public speaker and seminar leader, Cassandra is experienced in image training. Working with individuals from business executives to universities. With over 12 years experience in retail/fashion industry, education, and Mary Kay Cosmetics, she has designed and delivered workshops and seminars on appearance, communication skills, and business etiquette. Cassandra’s loves working with individual clients to assist one-on-one with professional development, visual, nonverbal, interpersonal communication, and presentation skills. In addition, she is a frequent contributor to various journals and published author.