Sunday, January 4, 2009

War In Israel

I don't watch the news often, but as I was folding the laundry, I turned the TV to Comcast. CNN was covering the ongoing war in Israel. Jeremiah walked in just as CNN was showing the air strikes, the flames, and the smoke. He asked what was that. I told him a war was going on. He asked with concern in his voice, "Mama! Where!?" I told him in another country. His reply, "Yeah!" He went back to playing.

Interviews of civilians being reflected didn't help my immediate concern about his reply and what was going on abroad. A mother described the morning of the air strikes. She described how she dressed both herself and her son, reminding me quickly of my morning routine. She sent her two boys walking to go to school. After the boys had walked less than one meter to school, the strikes began occurring. She was able to save the youngest son, but the oldest one was not to be found. CNN showed her saying over and over again, "God Bless His Soul."

All I could think about is my family and our life here in America. America isn't perfect especially now with the economy and the prevailing presence of racism, but we do feel safe. I had to explain to my son the inappropriateness of his response. Subsequently, it made me think. How many more Americans responded to the dire situation of Israel near Gaza?

Having compassion towards those we don't know is so important. The strong message of caring for others in other countries must be taught to our students.


watercolordaisy said...

Amen. And a great teaching moment with your son.

As requested, I posted pics of the altar flowers. :)

Sandi said...

We do all that we can to insulate our children from danger. I understand why he responded that way. And honestly, most adults probably feel the same way, even if they wouldn't voice it the way your son did. It's easy to feel removed when you aren't directly affected by someone else's tragedy.

Kayra said...


Like Sandi said, it is very easy to detach yourself when you feel safe here.

Nicole Bradshaw said...

This is something that I have been following closely. The Middle East is just such a tangled knot of violence. The hatred between groups there goes back so many years, and it never seems to end. When I think of the geopolitical situation there, I feel very helpless.

Unknown said...

That was well done. We often are so comfortable and secure that we fail to have concern for others who are going through tragic events. Just go back to 911 we were so concern for our fellow americans and wanted to do all that we could to reach out and help because it was affected our people directly. I am very happy that you took the opportunity to show our son that he should care for all people.

About Me

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Cassandra Hawkins-Wilson is Founder & President of Sensational Image Consulting, a professional image consulting firm based in the Metro Jackson Mississippi Area. She holds a Master of Arts Degree in English and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Psychology with a minor in Political Science from Jackson State University. As a instructor with Millsaps College Enrichment Program and an experienced public speaker and seminar leader, Cassandra is experienced in image training. Working with individuals from business executives to universities. With over 12 years experience in retail/fashion industry, education, and Mary Kay Cosmetics, she has designed and delivered workshops and seminars on appearance, communication skills, and business etiquette. Cassandra’s loves working with individual clients to assist one-on-one with professional development, visual, nonverbal, interpersonal communication, and presentation skills. In addition, she is a frequent contributor to various journals and published author.